Most of you reading this will be aware of what Class Dojo is. I use it primarily as a point tracker. Yes, I know, it can be used as a portfolio and communication tool, too. I use something else for that, but that’s for another time.
So how do I use ClassDojo in my classroom? I gamerfy it by removing the default monster avatars and adding a number of medals that display rank based on points gained throughout the year.
As most teachers do, I personalise the point values based on positive achievements and behaviours that are specific to my class and school culture. A poster is on display in the classroom showing what point ranges are attached to each medallion.
How do you personalise your own images in ClassDojo? When in your class go to:
* Settings;
* Edit Class;
* Select a student;
* Click on the avatar on the left;
* Click the blue, downward arrow next to the Medallions title;
* Select, “Create new set”;
* Add a title in the text box next to, “Monster set name”;
* Click, “Create monster set”;
* Click, “Upload monsters”;
* Select your desired files; and
* Done.
What are some of the achievements and behaviours I look for in my class? The below poster is also on display as well.
Everything should speak for itself. I will note two items, though.
General. This is a ‘wildcard’ entry for anything that is not specified on the poster.
175 000 Points. I use My Classroom Rules from time-to-time in the class, and this links to its use.
When the kids get points and go to the next level, I have to manually change their medallion to the next one up. As of posting, there is no automatic way to do this.
It’d be really nice if, somehow, ClassDojo could have an option to enable automatic avatar changes based on point values.
As I said at the beginning of this post; most teachers do the same with ClassDojo as I do. My twist is the appearance of ranks and visual appeal via tiered medallions. It works really well, too! Every morning, the kids can’t wait to see their new rank, or to see how much they need for the next level, and as such, push for the points needed.
This is fantastic. Can I be rude and ask for a copy of your medals save me making them from scratch? Vey much appreciated.
Not rude at all. They’re sitting in your inbox right now. 🙂
Wow! I would love to give these to my students for their end of year award please! 🙂
Done, and done!
They’re all sitting in your inbox right now. 🙂
Would it be possible to ping me over your medallions file as well – they look amazing!
They’re in your inbox waiting. 🙂
would it be possible to lend the new and updated version to me like the scarlett medallion
Can do. They’re in your inbox right now.
I love this! May I also ask for a copy of your medals?
They’re in your inbox. 🙂
Hi, this is such a great idea. Would I be able to get a copy as well? Thank you
There’s an attachment waiting in your inbox. 🙂
im a mexican teacher and i love this! may I also ask for a copy of your medals?
Please : )
Your inbox has an attachment awaiting. 🙂
Hello! If it isn’t too much trouble, can I have a copy of the medals as well? Thank you so much!
You have an attachment in your inbox waiting. 🙂
Hello, Reallyyy cool. Would I be able to get a copy of the medals as well? Please!