It’s a busy time right now for Australian teachers. It’s four weeks into Term 1. A lot of us are still organising our class and doing assessments, so this is a reason why my posts have been scarce lately.

This week, I’m covering data. We’ll be graphing all sorts of things, such as the traditional hair and eye colour, scores in a frame of Ten Pin Bowling and a day’s round of Fruit Ninja. As part of the introduction, I’ll be using this SMART Notebook file so the kids can revise or become familiar with the workings of a bar graph.

When you open it, the only this visible will be the graph itself. No title or label on either axes. They become visible simply by tapping in their general area.

This is to open the discussion of what is missing and needed for a graph. The colour selection made is due to my class this term being an even split of boys:girls, so I intentionally left out the traditional girls’ colour of pink. Doing this may lead into a discussion to what “other” means.

The colours themselves are ‘infinite cloners’, so the kids can pull as many of them out as they want and they’ll just keep on coming.

As always, hopefully someone will get some use out of this.

Favourite Colour Graph Creation.
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